Monday, December 30, 2013


A few shots from Christmas Day....

The dog who decided our kids (who are actually young adults) weren't getting up early enough and went ahead and opened a gift!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Ice Storm

Took some time out from Christmas preparations yesterday to go out and take some photos.  We had an ice storm overnight which left a lot of people without power and a lot of downed branches. Pretty to look at but lots of damage done.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


It was a beautiful sunny day on Monday which was welcome after two days of snow and clouds.  We took a walk in a park on the lake.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Will it last.....

till Christmas.  A white Christmas isn't very common around here anymore.  We are hoping this snow sticks around till then.  It snowed an entire day and since my husband was working all weekend, my son and I did the shovelling....three times!  I took my P&S along on our walk today.

 My outdoor Christmas arrangement which is under the front porch but still got covered.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Celebrations and Traditions

This past weekend we did both.  Usually we have kept our daughter's birthday separate from any Christmas activity but this year it just couldn't be done.  Trying to work around my husband's shift work, the kids exam schedules and other Christmas commitments meant it had to be done the same day.  At age 23 it doesn't bother her.

A few ornaments from the tree.

The tree before it fell over.  What a mess a full stand of water makes!  We are getting very close to switching to artificial, must be getting old!

Yummy chocolate cake to celebrate our middle child's birthday, and coloured flames on the candles.

All in all, a very fun filled day.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Yesterday the dog and I went down to a nearby little harbour for our walk.  There were many other walkers but the boats are all put away and the docks look deserted.

There were six swans swimming around.  I'm guessing they are they same ones I photographed as babies back in the spring.