Monday, May 20, 2013

Victoria Day

Today is Victoria Day in Canada and is a holiday for everyone.  Our daughter's wedding last Friday was a wonderful day and went very smoothly.  We did a lot of visiting with out-of-town relatives Saturday and Sunday and today we are getting back to normal and catching our breath.  My husband and I took a walk down at the beach where there are many lilac bushes.  Everyone else decided to hit the beach today too so the pathway was crowded with walkers, runners and bikers.  It is cooler there so most of the lilacs are not out as much as I thought they would be, but there were a few blooms.

Leftover fireworks from last night still on the beach.

The pier that has been under construction for about 7 years now.  Everything has gone wrong in building this pier but they are now working around the clock to have it finished by next month.

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