Wednesday, October 30, 2013

More Fall

The lilac tree is just starting to turn.  Another 6 months until I can enjoy its sweet fragrance again.

We cleaned up the yard and put away all the patio furniture and flower pots. Everything seems so bare now. So long summer!


  1. Love that first one Brenda..... reminded me I have a lilac bush too.... I better see if it is as pretty as yours.... I would hate to miss shooting it if it is :)

  2. I am holding out as long as I can on my yard. It's a definite Russian Roulette with the's been dry, but we are living on borrowed time, and once it starts, that's it until April.

  3. I should check my lilac too and see if it looks as nice as yours. I confess mine is a bit disappointing to me. I've always loved lilacs in the spring but the bush I have in my yard gets a lot of blooms but they are not as big nor do they last well when cut. When I was young we had a few large lilac trees near our house that had lovely large flowers and would look nice and fill the house with perfume for several days if we cut some and brought them in.
