Thursday, July 11, 2013

Just Hanging Out

This squirrel was just hanging around our deck and was still there after I retrieved my camera so I got a few shots through the glass of our sliding door.  Our dog knows that when I point my camera at the backyard there is some critter out there, making it impossible for me to open the door.

Here it looked like he was daring me to come out and photograph him.  Looking at those claws I'm glad there was a door between us!

And then this one showed up.  The squirrels stand on the adjoining fence to our neighbours and get the apples off of the tree.  Often there are partially eaten apples along the top of the fence.


  1. Wow, that first one looks like a well fed squirrel ...the ones round my place are looking fuller than they did in the spring but I think yours still wins for glossy plumpness.

  2. So cute! Great backyard entertainment.

  3. That black one is kinda scary - more rat looking than squirrel. I do prefer to keep them at a distance, and by the look of those claws, for good reason.
