Friday, May 31, 2013

What's Blooming

The past few days of heat have brought out the iris' in my garden.

And I don't know what this is called but the kids bought it for me a few years ago and it has really done well.

Thursday, May 30, 2013


Finally got some annuals to plant in my gardens and in some outdoor pots.  I have spent time the last two days weeding and planting.  My gardens are few and small, just the way I like it.

Ready for planting

My miniature lilac tree is just starting to bloom

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Taking a Break

My husband and I enjoyed some time away at a small cottage right on a lake over this past weekend. We did next to nothing for 3 days and enjoyed the guilt-free laziness. The weather was cool but we walked the beach, played games, watched DVD's and read lots.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Checking on the Swans

I went back to this little park to see if any swan babies had hatched.  Nothing yet.  But I did watch them for awhile.

I arrived while this one was cleaning itself.

Wish I were this flexible!

The other one (I can't tell which is male or female) was hanging around the nest.

Then it was the changing of the guard.

And the other one went flying off.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


This is a centrepiece from my daughter's wedding last week.  I mentioned before they love the outdoors, especially hiking and canoeing so her husband made these for the reception tables.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

In the Garden

It seems that everyday there is something new in bloom in people's gardens.  The Columbine's are blooming now in mine as well as my lilacs.  The rose bushes are covered in leaves.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Victoria Day

Today is Victoria Day in Canada and is a holiday for everyone.  Our daughter's wedding last Friday was a wonderful day and went very smoothly.  We did a lot of visiting with out-of-town relatives Saturday and Sunday and today we are getting back to normal and catching our breath.  My husband and I took a walk down at the beach where there are many lilac bushes.  Everyone else decided to hit the beach today too so the pathway was crowded with walkers, runners and bikers.  It is cooler there so most of the lilacs are not out as much as I thought they would be, but there were a few blooms.

Leftover fireworks from last night still on the beach.

The pier that has been under construction for about 7 years now.  Everything has gone wrong in building this pier but they are now working around the clock to have it finished by next month.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

It's almost here....

My oldest daughter's wedding day! After a year of planning, shopping, and much decision making they will be married this Friday.  So far the weather forecast looks good.  This is their invitation with a tree to represent their love for the outdoors.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day Flowers

My children got me a beautiful bouquet of flowers yesterday.  It was a very relaxing day.  Read in the afternoon, took my parents out for dinner and then enjoyed some dessert at their house while watching the Leafs win!  I'm not a hockey fan but my husband and son are big supporters of the Leafs.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Sherwood Forest

Within walking distance of our house is this small forest, named Sherwood Forest.  We walk through here quite often and enjoy seeing the changing of the seasons.  I love how green everything is getting now.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

With the warmer temps and sunny skies, I have been drawn to different parks along the lakeshore for our daily walking of the dog.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Beautiful Blossoms

The weather has been absolutely beautiful for a few days so everything is blooming now.  It is so nice to see colour everywhere.