Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Hallowe'en

It's a very wet and windy day here which won't be good for the little trick or treaters tonight.  I put up my two decorations and will add the outside pumpkin lights later if we get a break in the rain.  We don't decorate like we used to when the kids were younger but still enjoy giving out candy.

This is a quilted wallhanging that I did several years ago.  And my little stuffed black cat which remains up high or my dog will claim it as her own.  She has a whole box of stuffed animals but always likes a new one!


  1. We are having rain today too and cool and a little wind.

  2. I love your quilt! I really wish I could quilt, but I hesitate to try it because it sounds like a huge commitment, and I don't think I have the time to handle any more hobbies . . . at least not until I retire! Happy Halloween!

  3. Cute wallhanging! I've quilted for years...
