Tuesday, October 29, 2013

More Fall Leaves

It's nice that the leaves don't change and fall all at once and the gorgeous colour gets spread out over several weeks. Fall is probably my most favourite season.....except for the fact that winter is close behind it!


  1. I agree--I like the fact that fall falls slowly and allows us to appreciate all the varying hues and shades. LOVE the pine cones!

  2. It's interesting to see all the different fall pictures. I get the feeling that, even though your leaves are turning, the rest of your area still seems to be a more lush green than it is around my place. Here, the grasses and bushes all seem to be looking dry and sepia toned even if they are not turning brilliant colours.
    the bright leaves are pretty but I also like that last one of the pine cones, nicely composed and focused.

  3. I like the lone leaf caught in the evergreen and of course the last of the pine cones.
